L’été, de nombreuses femmes font de leur mieux pour rester en forme et avoir un «corps de bikini».
Certaines femmes sont offensées par les personnes qui leur font honte tandis que d’autres ne se soucient pas de leurs ennemis. L’exercice est important et nous devons tous rester en forme pour maintenir un mode de vie sain, mais en même temps, vous devez être fier de ce que vous êtes et de votre apparence.
Il ne fait aucun doute qu’une forme parfaite du corps renforce votre confiance en vous et que vous vous sentez plus à l’aise avec les gens, mais ces femmes ont prouvé que tous les corps sont des corps de bikini si vous portez un bikini et que chaque femme doit s’accepter telle qu’elle est.
Regardez les photos de ces femmes confiantes qui ont prouvé que « Tous les corps sont des corps de Bikini »:
1. Callie Thorpe a déclaré: »Entretenir son corps et prendre soin de soi est différent de faire un régime amaigrissant restrictif basé sur l’objectif qui consiste à paraître mieux que le corps que l’on vous dit de détester. »
ADVERTISEMENT View this post on InstagramI’m back home in the UK and unfortunately back to reality so today we went and did our food shop.
ADVERTISEMENT I’ve decided to take part in #cookjan a community project to cook in jan started by @smokintofu so I wrote out some meal plans.
As you may know I love cooking so I wanted to get myself a new cookbook to try some new recipes. When I went to the book section I saw that all the fab cookbooks I saw at Christmas had been replaced with diet books with titles like ‘how to get the bikini body you want with these easy steps’ ‘The quick and easy way to lose weight’ ‘Burn fat fast’ I need to firstly say I don’t have an issue with people choosing to lose weight because I believe you have to do what’s best for your personal body and well being and only you know how you feel.ADVERTISEMENT What I can’t get on board with are diets that make you feel like you are disgusting/ugly/in worthy because you don’t have a perfect body.
All bodies can wear bikinis, every woman should be able to feel the sunshine on her skin and enjoy a swim in ocean, that is wellness, that is good for you.ADVERTISEMENT Dangerous diets are not good for you.
Weight loss teas are not good for you. Hateful thoughts are not good for you. So please don’t let these diet plans/books/videos make you feel worthless because remember beauty is more than skin deep. So here I am in my bikini bod, I’m not ripped, I don’t have a thigh gap and quite frankly I don’t care.ADVERTISEMENT Don’t let January grind you down because you deserve much better than that.
2. Alexa Phelece a dit: »La positivité peut être contagieuse! Entourez-vous de personnes positives! (Je ne réponds pas aux commentaires négatifs). »
3. Danielle Vanier a déclaré: »Nous avons fait une excursion en bateau aujourd’hui et un certain nombre d’adultes ont pris sur eux de faire des commentaires, de nous jeter des regards dégoûtés et gesticulés entre eux. Cela me rend triste parce que nous pouvons le supporter, les gens ont essayé de me rabaisser toute ma vie ; mais les autres femmes/hommes ne sont pas aussi forts que moi/nous. »
ADVERTISEMENT View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT We went on a boat trip today & a number of grown adults took it upon themselves to make comments, throw us looks of disgust & gesticulate amongst themselves.
It makes me sad because we can take it, people have tried to put me down my whole life; but other women/men aren't as strong as me/us.ADVERTISEMENT Don't worry, it didn't affect us, we simply took it upon ourselves to make them wish they'd never stepped foot on that boat.
We've called people out on their fat shaming shit all holiday and I will always make sure I do it for as long as I live.ADVERTISEMENT
4. Hayetrida fait également partie des femmes qui ne craignent pas de montrer ses courbes.
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5. Aliss Bonython a déclaré: »Mon objectif dans la vie est de faire en sorte que les femmes apprécient leur beauté et normalisent tous les corps. VOUS êtes belle et VOUS en valez la peine, et si je peux vous aider à réaliser ça, je continuerai à passer à travers tout. »
6. Michelle a dit: « Je suis Michelle et j’ai un corps confiant et je suis la personne derrière la campagne cicatrisé et non effrayée. »
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT How incredible is that! •••••••••• Here is #mystory : I am Michelle and I am a Body Confidence and the person behind the Scarred Not Scared Campaign.
My Instagram is all about self-care and loving your body exactly the way it is and I'm passionate about this because of the scars all over my body.ADVERTISEMENT I've had 15 surgeries, a brain tumour, a punctured intestine, an obstructed bowel, a cyst in my brain and a condition called hydrocephalus and my body bears the scars of each of those battles.
In person, you might not see them but when you are wearing a bikini, you can see them.ADVERTISEMENT When you are changing in PE in front of your friends, you can see them and when you are taking your top off for the first time, you can see them.
This is why I launched #scarrednotscared because we should all stand proud that we have overcome our scars, whether they are emotional or physical and that's what I am all about over on my Instagram – loving your body and appreciating the ability it gives you.ADVERTISEMENT I love that this campaign is about breaking the stereotypes because despite all of this, I have graduated with a degree in psychology by the age of 20, started a business by 21, and launched by campaign by the age of 22.
That is because I am not the stereotypical idea of illness and medical trauma.ADVERTISEMENT We are just as capable.
I am Michelle and this is #mystory
7. Teagan Brooke a déclaré: »Il m’a fallu beaucoup de temps pour sortir de ma zone de confort… Je suis une personne qui plait, ma vie a été conçue pour plaire à d’autres !!!! Rendre les autres heureux est un sentiment agréable, mais à quel prix? Rarement je me complairais dans mon propre bonheur… Si je le faisais, je me sentirais coupable, égoïste et indigne. »
ADVERTISEMENT View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT .
. It has taken me a long time to go outside my comfort zone…. I am a people pleaser, MY LIFE WAS DICTATED ON PLEASING OTHERS!!!! Making others happy is a great feeling, but at what cost? Rarely would I indulge in my own happiness…. .If I did, I would feel guilty, selfish, and not worthy.ADVERTISEMENT One day I will share my "Teagan's True Hollywood story" lol but for now I want to focus on my main purpose and that is CHANGE, a new approach to making me happy.
Throughout the last couple years I have been focusing on me, it has been a slow and very challenging process.ADVERTISEMENT It's not easy to drop a 30 something year habit! I want to push the boundaries in everything I do, even if it feels uncomfortable.
I promise to stay focused and share my tips throughout my journey. . . #teaganbrooke #canadianbeauty #rolemodel #knixwear #knixboundaries #life #beach #panties #natural #naturalredhead #freckles #beautyoverstandards #celebratemysize #nowrongway #canadianmade #foreveryoung #aginggracefully #beautyful #beautysecret #vichylover #behappy #passion #love #solid #purpose #itsthepathADVERTISEMENT
8. Loey Lane a dit: »Vous n’êtes pas obligé de me dire que je suis grosse parce que je le sais déjà! Vous savez ce que je suis d’autre? Je suis une amie loyale, une travailleuse acharnée, et une maman d’un chien (& chat) (& cochon d’inde) (& cheval) (& reptile). Ce sont des choses que le miroir ne vous montrera pas. J’aime ma vie et je ne laisserai jamais la perception des gens m’empêcher d’avancer. »
ADVERTISEMENT View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT I make a lot of content on this great big internet, including telling stories, talking about my favorite makeup & fashion products and (most importantly) spreading body positivity and self love.
And for those who just dropped by to leave a nasty comment and not join our beautiful, love-filled community, I have a liiiiittle secret to fill you in on… I OWN A MIRROR ??? You don’t have to tell me I’m fat because I already know! You know what else I am though? I’m a loyal friend, a hard worker, a dog (& cat) (& guinea pig) (& horse) (& reptile) mama.ADVERTISEMENT These are things the mirror isn’t going to show you.
I love my life and I will never let how anyone perceives me to hold me back. When you’re sure in the person you are, you don’t have time for negativity and self-doubt. I don’t have anger to feed back to anyone who calls me names or thinks poorly of me due to my body size.ADVERTISEMENT I’m too busy reminding every last one of you (not so nice people included) that you’re perfect in your own skin.
That raging war against yourself in the form of hating your body is unnecessary because you’re flawless the way you are. In EVERY stage your body lands in, whether you’re thin, fit, curvy, plus-size or anywhere in-between… You are worthy of love in all forms, and it starts with appreciating and loving yourself.ADVERTISEMENT Welcome to friends new and old and remember to be kind to yourself and others today.
Also, suit is from my actual mom @theashleygraham and felt very fitting for this post ❤️ADVERTISEMENT
9.#grandetaille ne m’empêchera pas de profiter des activités en maillot de bain, peu importe où je suis dans le monde.
Voici donc une photo qui n’a pas été retouchée (comme toutes mes photos).
CurvySam a dit: »Être Vous pouvez choisir de voir la cellulite, la graisse des bras et des bourrelets sur mon corps de taille 18-20, mais j’ai CHOISI de voir une femme apprécier les thermes de Budapest, en maillot de bain coloré ne se souciant pas de l’opinion des autres.
instagram. com/p/BAZkyyAKqvK/10. Chanté fait également partie des influenceurs de grande taille et gère un blog. Elle n’a pas peur de montrer ses courbes.
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